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Matt d

For my final project I decided to create a three dimensional geometric acrylic painting. In doing my research for the Artist’s Research Project I discovered the artwork of Elizabeth Murray and her pieces influenced me to create one of my own. I began by using 1 ½ inch foam board as my canvas, and sketched out the shapes I wanted for each of the four pieces. I then glued them together in an overlapping pattern. The entire piece was then blocked in white paint. Next I created the patterns I wanted on the piece with painters tape and painted the background black. I created the colors I wanted by mixing paints and filled in the geometric patterns I had created. The hardest part seemed to be keeping the lines straight and sharp. I had initially planned to use cardboard, but once I started working on it I decided to change to 1 ½ inch thick foam board as it was easier to work with. This project took longer than I expected, but I am very happy with the final result.

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