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Joe  O

I titled my piece DAY and NIGHT. I created this as two giant pixel art creatures. I used thousands of blocks to make the creature, DAY, and recreated it to show a creature, NIGHT, using a new background. I made this piece because pixel art has been my new hobby. It takes a lot of time to build one and the blocks’ colors have to be just right and in the right place. It is important to me because I think most people are scared of the dark, but some of us are more scared of the day and the challenges the day brings.

I created this using different colors and brightness to show differences between the two creatures. Even though Day is in the light his eyes are dim and empty. Even though Night is in the dark, his eyes are bright and looking around. I started by drawing this, but then realized it would be more fun to do it pixelated with a background so the creatures could seem like they are floating. It was challenging to create two creatures in the time I had but it was necessary to show the differences. I am proud that I was able to create something using the tools that I enjoy working with the most.

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