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Katie S.

My Project is called a slice of life... For my final project i made a pizza out of toilet paper and water, the reason i chose these materials is because it was fun and you can be really creative. I made a pizza slice because pizza is a big part of my life, my grandparents are from Italy and we have about 5 pizza restaurants, a lot of people know my last name because of  the restaurants. I came up with the idea because i wanted my final project to mean something to me so i can put my own background and my own ideas on it. First i had the idea to make whales- whales in the ocean and some in captivity and show how life is not fair for the whales in captivity, but then nothing was turning out how i visioned- so i changed my idea and this worked out perfect. I am proud to be able to say that i have a reason i chose pizza and mostly that i made the whole pizza out of toilet paper.

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