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Studio in Art is an advanced art class consisting of 47 students in 8th grade, this year there were 2 sections, one taught by Ms. Swersey and another taught by Mrs.McNaughton.


 This advanced class allows students to jump to the accelerated art track once they get to high school. This is a class in which the students receive high school credit.  Throughout the 2020-2021 school year, these students have had to jump through countless hoops, they have submitted digitally, they have been back and forth between learning from home and then in the building, they have had digital critiques, but they adapted to each and every challenge. At the end of the school year, each of these 47 students have a portfolio of work  that they can feel proud of. Throughout the school year the students have been able to use a variety of materials, they have drawn, painted, worked with sculpture materials like newspaper, cardboard, and toilet paper, yes, toilet paper, and even explored some digital art and photography.

The culmination of this class is a final art assignment that is designed by the students themselves. The last 5 weeks of the school year have been devoted to each student working individually on a project that they are truly passionate about. The students had the freedom to use any material that they wished to use. Some students chose to paint, some students chose to draw, some chose digital art, and others chose 3D works of art. The final assignment was a time for students to reflect on topics that that were important to them, and make art that has meaning to them. 


In other school years, we would have loved to share your company for an in person gallery reception, but considering our current circumstances, we decided a digital show was the way to go. Each student has their own page, complete with their final assignment as well as other works from the school year. 

Congratulations to the 2021 Bailey Middle School 8th grade graduating class!!!

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